Are You God Dreaming It Is A Human? God Is Dreaming The World

Christine Breese Spirituality
4 min readJun 6, 2023


Some Perspectives On Who We Are & What Our Purpose Is

God Is Dreaming The World

You are God dreaming that it is a human! God is dreaming the world, the universe, and all the dimensions. Through the human experience, as well as all other experiences, God is exploring and discovering its own nature, learning more about itself and expanding its consciousness. Each individual is a unique expression of God’s infinite potential, and your experiences shape and inform the larger consciousness that comprises all of existence. This includes animals, plants, and elements, even empty space. Every atom is a sentient being, and so is every collection of atoms, like you!

Everything we do, say, and think affects and enhances the collective consciousness of the universe. Our individual journeys contribute to the bigger picture of God’s self-discovery and helps this Godself learn more about who it is and what it is while God is dreaming the world.

God has no idea how it even got there in the vast, infinite emptiness. What is happening in this universe and all its dimensions is a journey of self discovery, and God is dreaming every form and image that it takes in order to explore more about who it is, what it would do in every possible situation, and literally just to experience itself and it’s creation. What else would consciousness do when it finds itself in a vast emptiness and wants to know who it is?

We are all part of the same divine consciousness and every path leads to this Godself, even those who don’t seem to be on a spiritual path. It’s the same one living all these lives, in all forms, and even the empty space has this Godself in it. It is all sentience. God is alone, but pretending to have these separate parts so it can experience every possibility. It wants to see what it will do in every situation and relation.

In the end, we all return to this source of self, and identities fall away as we re-enter the sea of consciousness that we are part of.

Our reality is not fixed or predetermined. We are all co-creators of the reality we experience. God is ad-libbing as it goes along, learning, inventing, creating, and giving itself challenges and obstacles so it can see what it does in these situations. We have the power to shape and manifest through our beliefs, intentions and actions. Each of us is a “what if” question in God’s mind, and our lives are the answer to this question as God is dreaming the world.

God dreaming that is it is a human invites you to see yourself and your experiences as part of a larger, cosmic journey toward self-realization and expansion. With this, even the most ordinary experience can bring a sense of purpose and interconnectedness with others. We can live our lives with greater intention and alignment with our truest selves when we realize we are part of something very vast.

While this perspective is a fascinating way to look at the concept of God and our existence, it is important to note that opinions and beliefs about the nature of God and the purpose of human life can vary greatly among individuals and cultures. Many people believe God is like a father figure outside themselves, watching over them. Some people will find comfort and inspiration in the idea that we are all connected and a part of a greater whole, while others will have a very different interpretation of spirituality and the role of humans in relation to a higher power.

Really, it is up to each of us to explore our beliefs and seek meaning and purpose in our own way. If you realize yourself as Godself and that you are merely dreaming that you are a human and going through challenges, discovering who you are, you will find that life becomes much more dreamlike, malleable and fluid.

It’s not as serious as it seems if you realize yourself as God dreaming! God is dreaming the world and dreaming you!

christine breese
Christine Breese

Christine Breese is the founder of University of Metaphysical Sciences, Gaia Sagrada Retreat Center, and Free Retreats 4 All. She is an author, teacher, speaker and healer facilitating spiritual journeys in person, meditation online, through her books and articles, and also through her Christine Breese Youtube Videos. She invites every person to discover the genius-master within themselves!

