Spend Time Dreaming Humanity’s Future Every Day

Christine Breese Spirituality
4 min readApr 16, 2023


It’s Good For Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual Health!

Dream Humanity’s Future

I have so much fun dreaming of the future beauty of humanity’s world, with intelligence and love ruling this planet. I’m so looking forward to it! I’m drawing it into the present as much as possible, too, and doing my part to manifest it, heaven on Earth.

If we dream beautifully of the future, the beauty has a better chance of happening than a dark future does. We must give our energy to positive visions of humanity’s future and not let our consciousness be hijacked into giving juice to the dark engine and creating a dark future.

Take time to dream a good dream for humanity, even if you might not live long enough to be here for humanity’s Utopian future, at least not in this body, personality and form. It’s going to get better in our lifetimes. The critical mass will be reached. However, to see the full on Utopian future manifest it will take another 800–1000 years.

So take time every day to imagine humanity’s beautiful future. It IS going to happen! I’ve seen it in a near death experience. I didn’t want to come back because I thought this place was a sinking ship. The guides showed me humanity’s future so I would be willing to come back. It is indeed a beautiful future so I came back to do my part!

Dream the future for this species, since you came here to help. Don’t despair.

How to Stay Free of the Drama

Sure, seems like it’s gonna be a rough ride for a while because humanity is a drama queen and likes to do things the hard way, but if you keep your frequencies high and stay expectant for humanity’s transcendence of these current world challenges, you won’t have to be part of the drama. You are also contributing to the evolution of this species, like you have wanted to. Consciousness alone means a lot.

Keep doing your own spiritual homework and evolving yourself, of course. That’s your contribution to the evolution of this species as well.

However, don’t forget to imagine and dream what a Utopian future looks like for humanity and don’t put it too far into the future either! It will be wonderful long before the apex is reached, when spiritiual powers and galactic travel is commonplace in about 800–1000 years. The next generation, the crystal children, mixed in with the millennial crowd, are already starting to build that future.

Bring Heaven to Earth

Create heaven on Earth around you, right now, to the absolute best of your ability. Be a heavenly being on this earth and manifest it in your environment, relationships, and reality. Forget about the nightmares of the past and drop the injuries from those experiences. Those experiences are not who you are. Free yourself now. You don’t have time for this anymore.

The future is created by what you imagine NOW!

What This Does For YOU!

I do this exercise every day for just 5 minutes here and there, if I think of doing it more than one time. I do it least once a day. More is better.

It’s so fun to imagine the beautiful future and give my energy to that, instead of imagining a dark future, which depresses me. Imaginging good things for humanity brings up my vibration! Even 5 minutes of imagining humanity’s beautiful future makes me healthier in mind, emotions, body, and spirit and puts a smile on my face and in my heart. I feel the incredible lightness of being when I imagine a beautiful future for humanity.

Your imagination will show you humanity’s positive future! Don’t imagine a dark future or you give it juice to manifest. Not only does it bring your vibration down and depress you, you manifest it in some way or contribute to manifesting it for others. It can manifest if we all focus on that too much.

The tides are shifting, though, and more people are seeing a bright future for humanity than ever before.

Only give juice (your attention and emotions) to the good stuff! Consciousness is a powerful thing. Use it wisely! Have fun dreaming!

Namaste, Christine

Christine Breese
Christine Breese

Christine Breese is the founder of University of Metaphysical Sciences, Gaia Sagrada Retreat Center, and Free Retreats 4 All. She is an author, teacher, speaker and healer facilitating spiritual journeys in person, meditation online, through her books and articles, and also through her Christine Breese Youtube Videos. She invites every person to discover the genius-master within themselves!

