The Spiritual Awakening Process and 16 Difficulties You Will Face

Christine Breese Spirituality
7 min readApr 29, 2023


Worth It In The End, But Challenging Along The Way

Christine Breese Youtube

The spiritual awakening process can be a transformative and life-changing experience, but it is not always easy. It can be challenging and difficult because it involves a profound transformation of one’s consciousness and way of being that requires a willingness to confront deep-seated patterns, beliefs, and emotions. Spiritual awakening difficulties are common, and to be expected. Difficulties and challenges are impossible to avoid during a spiritual awakening process.

Here are some of the hardships that people may encounter during a spiritual awakening:

1. Facing Unresolved Issues: A spiritual awakening process often involves confronting unresolved issues, traumas, and patterns that have been buried deep within the psyche. This can be painful and uncomfortable, and may require significant emotional work to heal. Facing these issues, traumas and patterns are exactly what needs to be done, though, in the spiritual awakening process. In the end it will be worth it, but during the spiritual awakening process it can be painful, especially if there is resistance to change. There is no better time to resolve them, make peace with the past, and forgive those who have harmed you. Keep in mind that unresolved issues will continue to fester until they are dealt with.

2. Letting Go of Old Patterns and Beliefs: A spiritual awakening often requires letting go of old beliefs and ways of being that no longer serve us. This can be challenging, as these beliefs may have been deeply ingrained and may have provided a sense of security and stability. These beliefs may also be tied to one’s identity and sense of self.

3. Loss of Identity: As old beliefs and patterns are shed, there may be a sense of loss of identity and uncertainty about who one is and what one stands for. As you shed old beliefs and ways of being, this can lead to a sense of disorientation while you try to find your new path. Be at ease in this disorientation and know that it is temporary.

4. Resistance from the Ego: The ego can be resistant to change and may feel threatened by the process of spiritual awakening. This can lead to feelings of inner conflict and struggle. Your ego may resist the changes that are taking place during a spiritual awakening, leading to feelings of inner conflict and struggle. Literally, your old identity is breaking down, the new identity hasn’t set up yet, and this is a no man’s land in the meantime while the old breaks down and the new hasn’t set up yet.

spiritual awakening difficulties
Spiritual Awakening Process

5. Resistance In General: Resistance to change is a common challenge during a spiritual awakening process, and could be considered one of the number one challenges in a list of spiritual awakening difficulties. Change is inevitable when a spiritual awakening is underway, so resistance is futile. There is no going back once a spiritual awakening begins. Don’t resist!

6. Lack of Support: Spiritual awakening can be a solitary experience, and it can be challenging to find support and understanding from others who may not be going through a similar process. Very few people in the regular world are going to know how to support someone who is going through a spiritual awakening process. Spiritual teachers and therapists can help though, so seek a new tribe: those who are also on a spiritual awakening journey and those who guide them.

7. Confusion and Uncertainty: A spiritual awakening process can bring up feelings of confusion as old beliefs and patterns are shed and a new way of being emerges. As you explore new beliefs and ways of being, you may encounter confusion and uncertainty. This can be challenging, as you try to make sense of your experiences and find your new place in the world.

8. Emotional Turmoil: Spiritual awakening can bring up intense emotions, such as fear, anxiety, anger, and sadness as you confront and release past traumas, beliefs, and patterns. A spiritual awakening can bring up repressed emotions and unresolved trauma, which can be challenging to deal with. Try not to lash out at others or yourself during this spiritual awakening process. It is temporary and will pass. Just keep doing the inner work and you will get through it.

spiritual awakening difficulties
Spiritual Awakening Difficulties

9. Facing the Shadow Self: A spiritual awakening may involve facing the shadow self, the parts of ourselves that we may have rejected or denied. This can be painful and may require confronting aspects of ourselves that we have tried to hide. It is time to connect to the parts of ourselves we don’t like, though, and make peace with why and how these aspects got there and transform them.

10. Loneliness and Isolation: The spiritual awakening process can be a solitary experience, and it may be challenging to find others who understand and support the process. It may lead you to question your relationships and social circles because you are no longer a vibrational match with these people, places and situations. This can leave you feeling isolated and lonely, as you try to find a new sense of community.

11. Anxiety & Panic Attacks: One of the spiritual awakening difficulties is possibly anxiety and panic attacks. It is a subconscious response to the dissolution of the old self and the old identity. Sometimes a person has so much self identity wrapped up in the old way of being, and one doesn’t know how to be now that things have changed in themselves, and there can be a panic reaction to being in these uncharted territories of self while the new self is still being invented and discovered. That can be a scary process if you find yourself not being sure of yourself after a lifetime of knowing yourself to be a certain way. Just be patient with the spiritual awakening process. This too will pass!

12. Physical Symptoms: Some people experience physical symptoms during a spiritual awakening, such as headaches, body aches, and fatigue. These symptoms are often a sign that the body is releasing old patterns and toxins, but they can also be uncomfortable to deal with. Sometimes medication is necessary during this time, particularly for inflammation, and your body will need plenty of rest. Learn the art of taking naps!

13. Fear of the Unknown: The spiritual awakening process can bring up fear and uncertainty as you navigate new territory and explore unfamiliar aspects of yourself. You don’t know what the future will bring, if this will be worth it digging up all these old wounds, and you are uncertain about who you are now, but it will all become clear once the spiritual awakening difficulties have passed. Keep the faith!

14. Relationship Changes and Losing Friends: As your consciousness shifts, you may find that your relationships change. You may feel disconnected from people who were once close to you, or you may find that you no longer resonate with their beliefs and values. Don’t be surprised if you lose some friends, and even long standing friendships and relationships end or just fade away. You will be making new friends in time as your consciousness shifts.

15. Feeling Lost: During a spiritual awakening, you may feel lost or confused as you let go of old beliefs and ways of being. This can lead to a sense of disorientation as you try to find your new path. Again, be at peace in the disorientation and realize that this is a re-formation phase.

16. Emptiness: Feeling empty isn’t unusual during a spiritual awakening because again, you are in the midst of the old leaving and the new hasn’t arrived yet. You may not know how to fill yourself yet with the light, love and enthusiasm you once had… yet. Don’t worry, this will come in a new way!

The spiritual awakening process can be difficult and challenging. Seeking support from a spiritual teacher or therapist who can guide you through the process can be helpful in navigating the hardships, difficulties, and challenges of spiritual awakening. Practicing self-care and self-compassion is also crucial during the spiritual awakening process. Additionally, practicing self-care and self-compassion can be beneficial during this process.

The spiritual awakening process is also a transformative and rewarding process that can lead to greater awareness, clarity, and fulfillment in life. It’s important to remember that while these challenges can be difficult, they are a natural part of the spiritual awakening process.

If you are experiencing difficulties during a spiritual awakening process, remember to be gentle and compassionate with yourself, and trust that the challenges you are facing are part of your journey towards greater awareness and growth. You will get through it and it won’t last forever. Promise! It will be worth it in the end!

christine breese

Christine Breese is the founder of University of Metaphysical Sciences, Gaia Sagrada Retreat Center, and Free Retreats 4 All. She is an author, teacher, speaker and healer facilitating spiritual journeys in person, meditation online, through her books and articles, and also through her Christine Breese Youtube Videos. She invites every person to discover the genius-master within themselves!

