We Didn’t Think The Paradigm Shift Was Going To Be Easy, Did We? Non-Compliance & Love!

Christine Breese Spirituality
11 min readFeb 11, 2021
Paradigm Shift
Paradigm Shift

We didn’t think the paradigm shift was going to be easy, did we? It’s getting more and more uncomfortable with each month that goes by, with no end in sight. So what are we going to do? There is only one thing I can think of that could solve this problem, BUT IT’S GOING TO BE UNCOMFORTABLE! (more below)

How do we keep our spirits up in the face of an ever deepening difficult paradigm shift scenario? How do we get through all this intact? Will it get better sooner or will it be later?

The “sleepers” in the mass consciousness are dragging the awakened ones into this rough ride, but that is to be expected. Humanity is a tough nut to crack, maybe it has to really hit bottom before the paradigm shift happens, not to mention that humanity just loves drama!

So here we go! Get your tough guy pants on and get ready to bear it! 007 Secret Agents of Love are definitely tough! Peaceful, but tough. Personally, I think we have only seen the tip of the iceberg in how tough this paradigm shift is going to be, as if it hasn’t been tough already! We didn’t think the paradigm shift was going to be easy, did we? Wouldn’t be nearly the challenge if it was.


